That's a wrap...., News, 9U OBA, Warriors (Wallaceburg Minor Baseball)

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Organization | Sep 28, 2018 | hdawson | 12629 views
That's a wrap....
On Saturday, September 22nd, Wallaceburg Minor Baseball held their annual awards banquet at the CBD.

Georgia Murphy from the U12 Select (sponsored by the Wallaceburg Legion) and Chase Sitzes from PeeWee OBA (sponsored by the Stuby Goat) walked away with top Female & Male Athlete.

Other award winners included...

U10 Girls Most Improved Leah LaLonde

Most Dedicated Kassie Buchan
Most Sportsmanlike Sophie McFadden

U10 Select Most Improved Kenadie Maxwell
Most Dedicated Hope Snelgrovee
Most Sportsmanlike Lily Vyvey
U12 Select
Most Improved Ireland Jackson
Most Dedicated Alexis Mallette
Most Sportsmanlike Georgia Murphy
Rookie Most Improved Gage McGregor
Most Dedicated Cohen Debrander
Most Sportsmanlike Johnathon Thompson
Rookie Most Improved Ryder Knight
Most Dedicated Matthew Johnston
Most Sportsmanlike Tyler Parrish

Mosquito Most Improved Lincoln Jackson
Most Dedicated Rogan Rosseel
Most Sportsmanlike Campbell Ewing
PeeWee Select Most Improved Foster Stuart
Most Dedicated Jack Murphy
Most Sportsmanlike Nathan McFadden
PeeWee OBA Most Improved Jackson Blackbird
Most Dedicated Luke Toulouse
Most Sportsmanlike Chase Sitzes
Bantam OBA Most Improved Tyler Cadotte
Most Dedicated Logan Klompstra
Most Sportsmanlike Cody Johnston

WMBA 50-50 Lottery Winners were as follows:
Laura George, Courtright $1000
Jackie Roy, Chatham $700
Olivia Blackbird, Walpole Island $500
Terri Maxwell, Florence $200
Danny Ward, Wallaceburg $100

WMBA would like to thank all of this year's sponsors, executive, volunteers, coaches,
parents, grandparents, and players for a successful 2018 season. Please remember that
the Annual General Meeting will be held on Oct 28th and all are welcome.

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