Apr 19, 2019 | Jeff | 1281 views
Mosquito Try Outs
Mosquito Try Out Schedule
Please be at the park by 6:00pm so we are ready to begin at 6:15pm sharp
April 24, 2019 Steinoff 6:15pm
* April 25, 2019 Mike Childs @ King George Park 6:15pm *
April 29, 2019 Steinoff 6:15pm
* Please note the location for try out # 2
All players will be guaranteed 2 try outs unless the weather does not cooperate. This will be decided as we see fit.
First REP practice is May 1, 2019 at 6:30pm at Steinoff Park.
The REP game and practice schedules as well as tournament dates are now posted on the website. We are planning on hosting a tournament the Civic Holiday weekend but this is still tentative at this point. If we qualify, the provincial playoff championships will be held Labour Day weekend at a place yet to be determined. We will know more about this middle of July.
Good Luck to all who try out this season