Mosquito River League "B" Champions, News (Wallaceburg Minor Baseball)

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Aug 13, 2018 | Jeff | 964 views
Mosquito River League "B" Champions
Wallaceburg Minor Baseball would like to congratulate the Dauw Auto Wash Mosquito Warriors on capturing the WCBA River League B Division on the weekend. The team captured the title with a thrilling 10-7 victory over the Corunna Giants Red.

They also had victories over Wyoming 3 of 10 to 6 on August 7 in round 1, Corunna Red 17 to 3 on Saturday August 11 in round 3 and Wyoming 2 14 to 7 in the semi finals Sunday morning.

Game 1 MVP was Nick Diab
Game 2 MVP was Carson Mirreault
Game 3 MVP was Grayson LaMarsh
Game 4 MVP was Rogan Rosseel

Congratulations to all the boys on the U11 team this year.

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